Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mission Trip

We had another great mission trip to Atlanta this summer. Our church took 50 people to work in the International Village. That is an area in Atlanta where over 700 languages and cultures are represented in about a 5 mile radius. When I first heard that I couldn't believe it and then I went to Walmart. I believe it now. The first thing the kids were asked to do was clean up an area between 2 apartment complexes. They had cleaned this same area last year but it had not been maintained. It's an area that is a hang out for people doing drugs or hiding from the law or just about any other crime you can imagine. The missionary who works there has been begging the city to do something about it. So he was told to clean it up again and the city would work with the apartments to maintain it and the police would patrol the area.

It was a nasty area. Not only did the kids pick up trash, they also cleared brush. Many of the kids came home with poison ivy.

We have a new youth pastor. His name is Tim Stary. Here he is praying with the kids before they begin working. Our pastor also came out for a day and worked alongside the kids.
In the afternoons, the kids were divided into teams and each team was assigned 2 apartment complexes to hold backyard Bible Schools. The kids did everything. They planned the lessons, organized crafts and games and prepared snacks. I just love to watch them do this. These are the same kids who at home can't find their own shoes or remember to brush their teeth, but in this situation they are so responsible and will do whatever they need to do.

They don't have much down time, but when they do, they have fun together. I will not venture into the boys area. I learned that form my first mission trip. Something really weird happens when you put a bunch of boys together for a few days. There is a smell that forms that is indescrible. They don't seem to mind it much, but girls just can't take it.

They are reminded daily why we are there. We are there to do God's work. We could stay in Salado. There is plenty of work to do in our own community, but I think it is such a great experience for the kids to see other cultures, to be right in the middle of something so different from our own way of life. It opens their eyes to how needy the world really is. They tell the story of Jesus and how much He loves every child. I know our kids planted many seeds that week. Only God knows about the harvest. The kids were willing servants and I know God will bless them for that.

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