She drew this picture about 4 weeks into school. It was supposed to be a picture of something you can hear. I asked her to tell me about it and she said, "It's you. You talk all the time." Notice the scribbles all over my body. I think that speaks volumes about her true feelings for me. I was curious about the bloby thing on the left so I asked about it. She said, "That's a brain. Not your brain because you don't have one, but I would like to give you one." This is going to be a long year, I thought.
We've had a shaky relationship for most of the year. If I would just let her be the boss, all would be well. Last week, she made all the girls in my class cry because she was telling them they had hairy chests. Apparently that's a huge insult to a 6 year old girl. I didn't know.
She going to be mad at me tomorrow, because I've already heard that she was bad for my substitute today. I had to go to a workshop so I knew I would be out. I told the class that if I got a good report from the sub I would bring worms to school on Friday. The sub said all she had to do was say, "Remember the worms", and everyone snapped into shape except for this little girl. So, I've got the worms, both real and gummy, but I haven't decided if I'm going to let her anywhere near them. We'll see how it goes.
That picture is mildly disturbing. I was glad to find out that the blobby thing was a brain and not a gun.