Sunday, January 31, 2010

This Can't Be Good

Tom likes to watch the History Channel and I've always thought that was pretty cool. I mean it is a serious upgrade from the Spongebob Squarepants days. So yesterday, he was watching an episode about the history of potatoes. Now I really couldn't understand why a teenage boy would be interested in the history of potatoes, but I'm not going to argue with a little learning, right? As soon as the show was over, he got on the computer. He said he was doing some research. On potatoes? Still, I'm not going to question his new found interest. When he emerged from the office, he had a list in his hand and said he needed someone to take him to Lowe's for supplies. I'm thinking, "Does he want to grow potatoes?"

No, he doesn't want to grow potatoes. He wants to build a potato cannon! That's what he learned from watching the history of potatoes. So his dad, who has always encouraged Tom's interest in blowing things up, is all for letting Tom make a potato cannon. We went to Lowe's to get the proper PVC pipe and then to Academy to find a lantern ignitor, then came home so Tom could build his cannon. He has a name for it, too. The DevasTator. Isn't he brilliant?

He hasn't fired it yet because he's waiting for the glue to dry, but in the meantime he built a smaller version made out of a ball point pen and a Tylenol bottle, which he has been able to fire and was very pleased with the results.

I just think that no good can come from this. What is it with men and explosions? I just don't understand.


  1. I don't understand any of the technology. Just don't let him get hurt. Love, Mom

  2. You shouldn't worry to much, my friend and I had at least six. The largest of which we had to use a solid fuel rocket ignitor to get the desired effect. Tom's is just a little one. You're still very safe. My big question is, what took him so long?
